


此篇要介紹剛玉家族裡,極少人知道的新成員~「金光藍寶石」(Gold Sheen Corundum)。




 這個礦區的藍寶石與一般的藍寶石一樣擁有藍、黃等體色,但其中最特別,也是世界絕無僅有的,就是它可發出金、黃銅及銅三個色調,且在較強的光線或太陽光下會反射出閃耀的金光。而它的名字金光藍寶石(Gold Sheen sapphire)也是因此而命名。

它在產區肯亞又名Zawadi sapphire,Zawadi是肯亞方言斯瓦希里語,意思是「禮物」,當地人覺得這灑金的寶石是上天恩賜的禮物。(天神禮讚)


















Aptly named Zawadi Sapphire (‘zawadi’ is a Swahili word meaning ‘gift’ from the earth), this gem is also known as Golden Sheen Sapphire. Swahili is one of the languages spoken in Kenya. Zawadi Sapphire was named by Jeffery Bergman SSEF BGC, esteemed gemologist and gem trader, in December 2014, in homage to its origin, rarity and beauty.

Relatively unknown, Zawadi Sapphire is a beautiful, opaque gemstone characterized by an attractive bronze, golden sheen that shimmers across the gem’s dark chocolate body color. Visually unique, Zawadi Sapphire has an appearance somewhat reminiscent of the rare Black Star Sapphire from Bang Kha Cha in Thailand’s Chanthaburi Province. The rare golden sheen of Zawadi Sapphire has a medium saturation and deep tone, and is caused by inclusions of Hematite and Rutile.

Due the opacity of Zawadi Sapphire, a superior polish that maximizes the gems’ luster is absolutely critical. It took over one and a half years to develop the lapidary for Zawadi Sapphire, which required trial and error to correctly orientate and polish the crystals.

Tanzim Khan, a gemstone trader with 25 years’ experience, is the person responsible for bringing Zawadi Sapphire to the marketplace. Specializing in sourcing rough gemstones direct from mines in Africa, he immediately saw the gem’s full potential. Attracted to Zawadi Sapphire’s beautiful shimmering effect, its natural provenance, and ability to retain beauty in a variety of light sources, Tanzim and the mine owner have worked hard to establish this stunning new Sapphire.

The birthstone for September, Sapphire is a truly mesmerizing gemstone with a rich history, potent symbolism, and a popularity spanning over 2,500 years. Ruby and Sapphire are color varieties of the mineral Corundum (crystalline aluminum oxide), which derives its name from the Sanskrit word for Rubies and Sapphires, ‘kuruvinda’. Trace amounts of elements such as chromium, iron and titanium as well as color centers are responsible for producing Corundum’s rainbow of colors.


Only discovered in 2010, Zawadi Sapphire is mined in Kenya close to the border with Somalia. The exact mine location remains a closely guarded secret. The mine is ostensibly depleted, yielding no good quality rough in almost two years. Zawadi Sapphire has mainly appeared free size, making calibrated gems suitable for jewelry exceedingly rare.

Most mining occurred in early 2013 and the last production of several hundred kilos yielded only two to three percent of material displaying the coveted golden sheen effect. While individual gems of up to 100 carats have been cut, most Zawadi Sapphire ranges from 0.5 to 10 carats.

With close to 99 percent of all Corundum (Ruby and Sapphire) enhanced or treated, Zawadi Sapphire’s most important attribute, aside from its unique beauty, is the fact that it is a totally natural gemstone not treated or enhanced in anyway.

Durability & Care

One of the world’s hardest gemstones (Mohs’ Hardness: 9), Zawadi Sapphire is an excellent choice for everyday jewelry. But Zawadi Sapphire should always be stored carefully to avoid scuffs and scratches. Clean with gentle soap and lukewarm water, scrubbing behind the gem with a very soft toothbrush as necessary. After cleaning, pat dry with a soft towel or chamois cloth.


six-rayed asterism. Under the micro- scope, negative crystals in a plane and healed fissures were found in the transparent area; densely packed nee- dle-like inclusions, some crystals, and stained fissures were seen in the opaque area . In addition to the microscopic observations, ad- vanced testing of the yellow part re- vealed that this specimen was a natural corundum. The metallic ap- pearance and asterism were caused by the strong reflection from the dense needle-like inclusions ,some of which were flat. These nee- dles were identified as hematite and il- menite by Raman spectroscopy. The slightly elevated SG of this specimen might have been caused by the abun- dance of these inclusions, since the SGs of both hematite and ilmenite are higher than that of corundum.
As previously documented (e.g. T.N. Bui et al., “From exsolution to ‘gold sheen’: A new variety of corun- dum,” Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2015, pp. 678–691; N. Narudeesombat et al., “Golden sheen and non-sheen sapphires from Kenya,” Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand, July-August 2016, pp. 282– 288; Winter 2016 Lab Notes, pp. 413– 414), sapphires with golden shimmer caused by hematite needles are known as “golden sheen” or “Za- wadi” sapphires in the trade. As with rutile needles in common star sap-
phires, hematite needles intersecting at 60 degrees can cause six-rayed as- terism. Golden sheen sapphires some- times have densely included parts, but such a distinct zoning of transpar- ent and densely included parts has not been documented. This unique ap- pearance may indicate a certain crys- tallizing condition of sapphires.


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